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Defining a slippage tolerance ensures you won't receive less tokens than you expect on the destination chain when bridging.

Updated over a month ago

Superbridge is built for fee free, canonical asset bridging. In most cases you should expect to receive exactly as many tokens on the destination chain as you send.

There are some exceptions to this however, which is why Superbridge always shows the expected number of tokens you will receive in the preview, as well as the during transaction submission and confirmation.

For bridge providers where you don't receive the exact number of tokens you input - this could be due to additional fees in the system or on the token itself - Superbridge allows configuring a slippage parameter which restricts bridging if the expected amount is lower than the input amount minus slippage.

Slippage defaults to 1%, and can be configured up to three decimal places (ie 0.001%). If you want to ensure no slippage you can configure a value of 0% which means you will receive exactly the number of tokens you send.

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